Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Works of God

God has really been preparing me my whole life for Ronin.  Its the littlest encounters and clues that he gives you to reveal his large puzzle called life.  When you can start putting the pieces together, you come to an understanding and to a trust with God that he knows what he is doing and that its something greater than yourself.

I remember all the way back to elementary school. The kids with special needs came to our class for a visit.  I hadn't met anyone before that had special needs but was instantly drawn to their energy.  I've always been the mothering type; making sure everyone was fair, everyone got the same amount of m&ms, making sure no child was ever made fun of and if so i tattled to the nearest adult I could find.  I felt like a very protective mother when they got to be included in our class for the one day.There was a boy that stood out and I still remember him until this day. His name was Reggie and he was developmentally delayed. He was the tallest in the class, lanky with the best smile. After that day, I would see him around the school and was able to now say hello to him by his name. I think that made his day and it made my day that he was happy.  I never saw him again after elementary school but he made an impact on my life.

My direct connection to Down syndrome which has been a big piece to our puzzle has been my own cousin having Down syndrome also.  He is probably about 4 years younger than me and lives in Vietnam.  We have never met but we would always receive photos of the family and send letter and gifts.  I never really knew what Down syndrome meant, besides looking a little different than others.  I wasn't sure if Ronin's karyotype would show as the translocation type that may run in family's.  I'm not sure if they they my cousin's Cu Ly's karyotype but Ronin's is just non-disjunction trisomy 21.  So I guess my aunt and I just both hit the lottery with Cu Ly and Ronin.  I hope one day to travel to Vietnam to meet everyone.

While pregnant with Ronin, I had many encounters with people with Down syndrome and saw so many more people with Down syndrome at my job.  I actually had the thought that "Maybe my baby has Down syndrome"  because of this.  So I see that as my sign from God during my pregnancy.  It may not have meant anything at that moment but it was definitely a little hint of what was to come.

 These are they key memories that have served my heart into knowing that God was preparing me my whole life to be Ronin's mother.  Many people question why would a loving God even make people with special needs?  .

 John 9:1-3 
"As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind"?  "Neither this man nor his parents sinned" said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him."

That's right. Ronin is a work of God. We all are. Ronin's purpose is just a little different and more defined.  His smile, I see God in his smile everyday and it really makes everything ok again.   Two years have passed since I started writing my story. My story is like a flower, blooming more and more each day.  With God's nuturing, love and patience Ronin will be the most beautiful flower this world has ever seen.  The seeds of God's hope will be planted on this earth through Ronin and the millions of other children who are meant to be here to show the good works of the Lord.


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